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Caratas Jerro
 Caratas  Jerro


Wieki temu ludzie żyli w czterech różnych królestwach. Królestwo Esford leżało na północy, Orin na wschodzie, Caratas na południu, a Jerro na zachodzie. Magnacki ród zwany Regiises którego członkowie mieli ogromne wpływy w Orin i Jerro, widząc potencjał w zjednoczeniu królestw, szybko postanowili je ze sobą złączyć. Tym sposobem królestwo Orin i Jerro stało się jednością. Zaraz potem królestwa Esford i Caratas również postanowiły zawiązać ze sobą sojusz aby mieć szanse w starciu z potencjalnym uzurpatorem. Po kilku latach, ród Regiises, korzystając ze swoich wpływów i zdolności negocjacji, zdołał zawrzeć pakt między wszystkimi królestwami. Na całym kontynencie zapanował pokój, a granice między królestwami, stały się całkowcie otwarte w celu usprawnienia handlu i wymiany dóbr. Zjednoczone królestwo otrzymało nazwę Pangaeus. Tym sposobem mądry Ród Regiises doprowadził całe imperium do wielkiego dobrobytu, opierając swoje rządy o prawo i porządek.

One day a great misfortune broke out over Pangaeus.
The sky darkened and a storm came up. People felt the disaster, and yet they didn't know what it was that terrified them.
After the storm flattened and the population started cleaning up, fewer and fewer people returned to the village.
A reconnaissance team came across strange cracks in the ground in search of the missing people, from which an inexplicable stench rises.
However, the smell was the smallest problem people had. The cracks began to glow and creatures came out of them that instantly attacked and killed people. After the monsters were all killed by the warriors, the cracks seemed to extinguish or even disappear, but this was a fallacy.
An infinite number of creatures appear to come from hell. The cracks reactivate again and again at irregular intervals or reappear elsewhere and spit out creatures from the underworld during their fiery glow.

Orin and Esford are believed to have been swallowed up by a huge crack and are trapped in hell forever.
Due to the chaos and danger of the monsters created by the night of the Infernumantis, Jerro and Caratas separated again and broke the Pact Unitates. Without strong leadership, the residents reverted to the old hatred of hundreds of years ago.
Jerro blamed the residents of Caratas for causing the disaster.
Caratas, on the other hand, believed that Jerro only wanted to cover up what they did with such accusations.
A bitter war broke out and the cities grew apart. All action relationships were cut off. A new language has emerged in Jerro over the years.
This made all further negotiations over the years extremely difficult, so that the war continued despite the danger from the creatures.
The enmity between Jerro and Caratas continues to this day.

Can you find out what really happened and who was responsible for the night of the Infernumantis?
Can you find the lost empires Esford and Orin?

  • menu_faction.1610308644.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/01/10 19:57
  • by prezminator