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The Wizards are a small, very wise and reserved folk, in which men and women have equal rights. They are not allowed to share their secrets with people, but they are allowed to share their knowledge. The Wizards live and teach according to the Akelexi, the violation against this will be punished with exclusion from the Magnius (Wizard community). Those who do not live in the Magnius community and are subordinate to it have to get by on their own.

Babies and toddlers with magical powers, born among humans, are tracked down and snatched from their parents. A Wizard has the right to withdraw the child from the parents immediately after birth or at any later time without compensation. In addition, if he finds a child of magic, the Wizard is obliged to take it or report it. If he keeps the child, he has to raise him until it is old and wise enough to attend the Baldwin Wizards' School. The Wizard who discovers the child decides when a child is taken from the family of origin. With a lack of Wizards, not all children are discovered. The magic slumbers in most and but for the very few, it is radiant. Every Wizard draws his strength from the energy of nature and its basic elements fire, water, earth or air. In the Balduin school you can find out from which element you can channel the most energy. After completing the magic school, a Wizard is a 1 * degree scholar. His basic training is now complete and his journey to knowledge and power can begin.

Wizards need a magic wand in order to be able to use the extracted surrounding energy in a targeted manner. Female Wizards are more talkative and modern than male Wizards. They have a special bond with animals and nature. According to ancient traditions, the Wizards are able to hatch dragon eggs and live in harmony with these creatures, because only they can form a deep empathetic bond with them.


Przegląd Umiejętności


Zaklinacz - Po więcej szczegółów kliknij nazwę umiejętności lub link podany tutaj
Atak Magiczny Rzuca magiczną kulę w wroga.
Ognisty Smok Przyzywa smoka pochłoniętego płomieniami w stronę wroga.
Rozpacz Uderz w ziemię i uwolnij cienie, które zadają obrażenia obszarowe wrogom dokoła.
Oczyszczenie Przywróć punkty życia z szansą na usunięcie negatywnych efektów.
Płonąca tarcza Wyczaruj wokół swoich towarzyszy płomień, który odbija obrażenia.
Wzmocnione Uderzenie Zwiększa szanse na trafienie krytyczne.


Elementalista - Po więcej szczegółów kliknij nazwę umiejętności lub link podany tutaj
Kula Ognia Rzuć kulę ognia w kierunku swojego wroga.
Wzmocnienie Zwiększa zarówno obrażenia magiczne, jak i fizyczne.
Lodowa Eksplozja Wysadź wrogów za pomocą lodu i zadaj obrażenia obszarowe w okolicy.
Tarcza Wyczaruj barierę wokół swoich sojuszników, aby ich chronić.
Łańcuch Błyskawicy Zadaje obrażenia twoim przeciwnikom błyskawicą, która odbija się od celów.
Żwawość Zwiększa prędkość ruchu i skraca czas odnowienia umiejętności.
  • overview_wizard.1610726117.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/01/15 15:55
  • by prezminator