
This is an old revision of the document!


<color green>text</color> <color blue/lightgrey>text</color> <color #FF0000>text</color> <color /#FFff00>text</color> <color rgb(80%,0%,0%)/rgb(100%,80%,100%)>text</color> <color hsl(120,100%,30%)/hsl(180,50%,90%)>text</color>

Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
@#6495ed:Ligne 1 Oui Oui, à valider
Ligne 2 Oui @orange: Oui
@:Ligne 3 Oui @red:Non

clear float classes

<WRAP clear />  

Tablewidth with wrap

<WRAP tablewidth 80%>
^ table ^ is ^
| 80% | wide |


this is just a test, this is just a testthis is just a test,this is just a test,this is just a test,this is just a test,this is just a test,
  • playground/playground.1577710874.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/01/10 14:43
  • (external edit)