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Men and women who are trained in the art of walking in the shade. They sneak up behind their enemies and silently assassinate them. Because of their ambushes, they are not very popular and are always feared. Assassins are trained in the use of bows and daggers and enjoy extensive training. Assassin training: Over a period of two years, you are trained in a group of three, with which you have to spend time with, day and night. If someone is killed before the final exam, the entire team is executed. The final exam is considered passed if his two comrades have been assassinated from behind. Those who refuse are executed and the last survivor has passed the test.

Class details

Skill overview


Range - for details click the skill names below or here
Focus ArrowStrike from shadows and deal critical damage
WindwalkQuick move to strike enemies behind their backs
Fire ArrowThrow daggers to your enemies and deal damage around them with poisoning chance
Poison ArrowAttack your enemies 3 times with your dagger
Rain of ArrowsMake yourself invisible
Poison GasQuickly move to your target from greater distance and strike with poison


Melee - for details click the skill names below or here
Shadow StrikeStrike from shadows and deal critical damage
BackstabQuick move to strike enemies behind their backs
Poisoned DaggersThrow daggers to your enemies and deal damage around them with poisoning chance
Quick Attack Attack your enemies 3 times with your dagger
Invisibility Make yourself invisible
Blink strikeQuickly move to your target from greater distance and strike with poison
  • overview_assassin.1578043380.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/01/10 14:30
  • (external edit)